Year End Wrap-Up

E Block Letter M Block Lowercase Letter b letter R Block Letter A The alphabet - the letter C pink tag letter E

Last year I had done a post about my resolutions for the year 2010. I was going to go by one word. That word being embrace. So here is my recap this past year, did I let the word embrace guide me? Yes, for the most part. It became a year of embracing motherhood really, this year we have been blessed to find out we were pregnant with our third and most likely last baby. So I have been focusing on that. Enjoying the last pregnancy and just embracing the quiet before the storm. I cut back a lot on my commitments and by doing so cut back on my creativity something I truly have missed. I also this year did not grow much in the way of becoming a better friend that my loved ones so deserved. On the work front I fully did embrace my job and my duties however I feel some major changes in the wind, call it a hunch if you will and while it terrifies me in some ways it also thrills me in so many more ways.

So yes, I did embrace 2010, to the extent I wanted? Not really, but I did in so many more ways then I had expected when I picked the word so many months ago. I embraced what life threw at me and really in the end that is a successful resolution.

I have my new word already picked for 2011 and have made a new badge you can see on my blog on the right. This is the year I really focus on my creativity, my creative business and growing my artistic skills. I am excited and have so much already in the works I am excited to share with you all.

For my first year of doing a one word resolution I can say without a doubt, this has been the best tradition and one I will most likely continue for years to come!


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