Off the sidelines

Ugh, is this week over yet? I have been having these funks lately. I think it is has to do with the waffling of the season, among a few other life changes. This past we I went through a life experience that shook me to my core. After a long talk with my best friend (Hi BFF!) I looked back to my word of the year. Something I look at daily but really havent fully committed to lately.

So embrace... what does it mean to me? Originally it was taking everything in good and bad and taking it for what it was worth. Lately I am realizing it is about me, embracing who I am, and who I want to become. The work that I need to do.

I want to be an artist, I want that to be my "title" so what does that mean to me? That means I get to have a studio and people buy my work because they see value in it. It means I have a portfolio, and gallery exhibits and people write about my work. It means I do interviews and be a guest writer on blogs. It means I teach my methods to those who want to also learn to paint, draw, collage. I am there? Not even close.

But what I have done is I have written down my Artist Goals. Originally I called them dreams but I crossed out the word dreams. Why? It didnt seem definite enough it was a word that meant I could think about it and hope for it but I didnt have to work for it. Goals? A much better word. I need to work my butt off to get what I want.

I also have a lot of personal goals for myself. This is the year I finally get off the sidelines and work to get what I want. So thank you, you know who you are, I bet you didnt know the change you have lit in my soul, but none the less thank you to the universe for sending you my way at the time I needed it the most. I didnt see it at first and I needed the loving soul of my dearest friend to help me see it but everything truly does happen for a reason. It is just up to us to see those lessons and grow from them.

I cant wait to share my journey with you all! I am sure there will be lots of ups and downs. And please if you want to share I would love to here about your own journeys whatever they may be. email me any time at: artsymomma @ gmail .com


Katie Jean said...

hey Stef, it's been a long time since I've commented, but I'm still reading! I just wanted to say you're doing beautiful work and to keep at it! You ARE an artist!

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