Happy Birthday!

Monday was my bff's birthday. She called up and asked if she could come over, she drove a little over an hour to see little ole me on HER birthday. Plus she brought the food! She is too damn cute thats why I love her so.

She came over with her two beautiful babies "I" and "J" we will call them. "I" is soon approaching 3 "J" is 10 months old and already walking up a storm! It was so fun to see the train they created "I" a ball of energy running around "J" and Leila trying to catch her.

We had a great evening. After dinner we took a walk downtown. It is a shame that everything was closed. Though I doubt we would have been able to maneuver around any of the small stores with our parade of strollers. Since "I" was a good girl she got some ice cream at the only open place the movie theater. Should have taken a picture of her blue face (it was cotton candy ice cream, it smelt SO good) but silly me didnt think of it until faces were already washed and pjs were put on.

See the mess created? Before BFF headed home "I" helped me and BBF put all the toys away even though she didnt pull them all out! That ice cream was well deserved.

I wish I had a car in the evenings I would take day trips up to my BFF's all the time but alas I dont so I will just cherish the weekends we get to spend together and the impromptu visits when she is going stir crazy and needs a road trip!


Anonymous said...

Aww, what a lovely post, thank you! Both kids slept so peacefully on the way home, and momma got to rock out to her favorite tunes in peace =) We had such a good visit (and I had the best birthday since the '80's bday party, only this time there was no hangover! double yay!)! And thank you again for the gifts. My new purse was awesome on our shopping adventure today - I love that I can wear it across my shoulder and I even attached the beaver button to it! My MIL was very impressed with everything you made me, too! Love you lots!!!

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