Hot Summer


This was how my weekend was spent. Drinks in the car basically. On Saturday I woke up early on a mission it was the city wide garage sale and after finding all kinds of new streets in my tiny town I brought home a pretty good haul (more on that later). I digress, drinks I had a big iced coffee that day. That evening we drove over to my best friends house (hi Katy) for a girls night of bad cable and strong drinks (my first in 2 years, eek!)

On the way to Katy's I had Ken grab me a slushie, I felt like I was 10 again. There is nothing better then a cold slushie on a hot Wisconsin summer day. I could go for a slushie again, today we are in the high 80's with tons of humidity. Its days like this that I cant wait for fall! And we arent even at the worst of the worst for Wisconsin stickiness!

Weekends in blog land have slowed down a bit so I hope you all had a good one, I know I did *smile*


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