Right now I am.....


1) Listening to my new favorite old record of Gershwin music

2) taking a picture of my new favorite piece of art (see above) that I scored at the thrift store!

3) being the dinner police to get Kenson to eat his dinner (he is becoming more and more headstrong!- see below)

4) comforting Valen who got his first bloody nose today (thanks to gravity and a door frame oh and shaky way too fast moving baby legs)and is overly crabby thanks to a nap that got cut short. (hello early bedtime?!?!)

5) watching Leila make the most hilarious/odd movies that girl really cracks herself up!

On a complete side note.... Kenson is going through a transition I think his sleep habits are all over the board for days he wasn't going to bed until well past 11 and waking up at 8 and not taking naps (eek!) and now the last two days he hasn't taken his normal afternoon nap. Needless to say this momma is tired both physically and mentally. Who knew that a three year old could wear me out so much! (I had blocked my memory about how tough 3 was with Leila until Kenson started becoming very independent right before his third birthday. If he is anything like his sister this is going to be a long next year and a half!)


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