Vote for Pedro... er Stefanie!

My new haircut

See that girl above? That's me (as many of you already know). That is a picture of me soon after I had Kenson, I was in my grove feeling good, just got a haircut and was ready to take on the world!

Fast forward two years. #3 (Valen) Has made his debut and I am in the trenches of mommahood. I have lost who I was, and like most woman after children look at her body and wonder what the heck happen!?!?!?!

The opportunity recently came up to put my name in the hat to become the model/face of a photography studio called Elegant Xposures for a year. Never in a million years did I think I would make the top 10 finialists but I had to try to calm down the what if monster and also push myself outside of my comfort zone.

So why would a woman who just openly admitted she has lost her self, and has packed on the baby weight want to be a model? Here is why: I am not alone. So many momma's out there love being a momma but dont love themselves anymore. So many woman base their self worth on numbers on a scale. While I am not at that point I dont feel pretty anymore, I stress about getting new clothes and hate seeing that the number is in the high double digits. At the same time I know that I will never be a size 2, heck I dont know if I will ever be a size 8 but I do want to feel comfortable in my skin no matter what the label on my clothes size or a number says on a scale. So I stood up and said, hey universe I think I can be an inspiration to others, to show them that you are beautiful every minute of everyday just as you are.

So my friends I am asking for your vote go to this link:
Like Elegant Xposures and Like my photo (its the same one as posted above). voting ends May 31st and I promise to bug you all a few more times about it and then that's it. I would love too if you would spread the word around it would mean the world to me and I hope by something as small as me stepping out there and saying I think I am beautiful just as I am will help other woman heal and feel better about themselves!


bethany said...

Congrats on being in the top 10! I just clicked on over and voted for you...I so hope you win!

I loved your words about being who you are, and being beautiful every minute of the day. That's something I really struggle with. I often only feel beautiful when I'm "on" aka: my face is painted and my hair is 'did'. Just like I find others beautiful moment to moment, I should see the same in myself. Thanks so much for the reminder, beautiful lady!

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