

Circo Massimo Jump
Originally uploaded by tworms.

The happiest people are not the ones who have the most in life; they are the ones who appreciate life the most.

I read that today and needed to share. Happy Wednesday! Enjoy it.

Food for thought


(sorry! My links arent working right now, these can all be found in my flickr favorites though!)

I just came about this vision statement from The Happiness Project and I really wanted to share:

It is because the world is so full of suffering,
that your happiness is a gift.
It is because the world is so full of poverty,
that your wealth is a gift.
It is because the world is so unfriendly,
that your smile is a gift.
It is because the world is so full of war,
that your peace of mind is a gift.
It is because the world is in such despair,
that your hope and optimism is a gift.
It is because the world is so afraid,
that your love is a gift.

I cant believe I am saying this


Credits for the picture here. (Oh if I could only get Ken to agree to a van like this!)

Ken and I have decided. We need to get a minivan. Ugh. I swore up and down during my teenage years I would never drive A) a station wagon and B) a minivan. Dad it looks like I am eating my words!

So it is a daunting task picking out a new vehicle and I would love to hear the rants and raves you all have for your minivans. Right now we are leaning towards the town and country. I would love to hear any suggestions or horror stories to help make the decision a little easier!

The days mush together

(See the look on Leila's face? Ah the sassy's are still rearing their ugly head at four and NOT just at three)

Hey all! How are you? Long time no chat I know... sorry. I have been hit with a big fat wall of blahs. Anyone out there with me? I dont know what is going on but I just want to do nothing. Wait I take that back, I want to do something I just cant find the motivation to do it. My workout routine has gone to crap. My eating has turned to WAY to much fast food then I am comfortable admitting to. And my art? Forget about it, I feel like I cant get anything from my head to canvas to look the way I want it to. I have been taking some creative classes to hope I get my butt in gear but they really are just overwhelming then inspiring me ugh.

I have been spending tons of time with the kids, and when Ken isnt working on the weekends (there has been a lot of that lately, me and the kids miss him) we are spending time as a family. But other then that NOTHING is getting done. I feel like I am spinning my wheels in every sector of my life and as much as I hate it I havent put a stop to it.

Oh, and the video I promised? our video editing software has decided to no longer work so a picture of what I created is on its way, I am not happy with it but I need to let it go and go on to the next challenge... paisleys not sure yet what I am going to do with that. I think I am going to make a tribute to my friend Rose, because whenever I think of paisleys I think of her.

So what have you been doing this summer, please tell me I am not alone with getting my butt kicked this season.

Work of Art


Do you all know Suzi Blu? She is an artist who just has amazing energy. So anywho... I was watching her you tube feed and saw her challenge. She had just watch a Work of Art, which look it up on Hulu you wont be sorry. Basically it is project runway for artist. Awesome! and she started a challenge, watch this video it will fill you in. And above that is my sneak peek for my response. I am nervous more about finishing on time and getting a video loaded up something I have NEVER done before. Should be interesting! Stay tuned, hopefully it wont disappoint!

To have a time machine

My dad sent me an amazing gift today. He sent me a time machine message. Basically he had kept an email that I had sent him the first week I was in collage. 9 years ago, man time flies. I now need to keep random notes and letters from my kids to share with them after that time has flown by. Would you like to join me in my time machine? Here is the letter:

Hey dad

well second day is over with. College books are
EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eek but i am doing alright i
am expecting to FINALLY get my checks from Younkers in
Manitowoc so that is really cool.
I had this awesome class today that is basically all
hands on experience to see if i truly want to become
an engineer so i am looking forward to it this
well i am glad you are doing alright because i have
heard some stories about people not regaining all of
there feeling and use in one arm and so on.
hey did you hear on the news what happen on campus?
one of the spinkler heads went off in one of the dorm
rooms and people were evacuated for one day it seems
that some really tall guy was balancing a basketball
on his head and try to stand up with made him hit the
sprinkler and it got stuck on. LOL it thought it was
I hope the dog does find a good home. it is a shame
you guys can't keep her.
OH! i need a favor i need to find out when we (as a
family) usually go up for christmas to moms side and
when is Christmas for your parents. i am just asking
because well i have to take off of work already and
ken and i have to figure out our schedules. oh. plus
i have an exam at 7 pm the last day of classes LOL
lucky me. speaking of math the class is really easy
and i am taking just as a refresher course. most of
my classes don't actually seem that challenging so i
am excited about that.
Are you busy with the Japan account now or is even
more work coming in?
oh i am for sure coming home on the 28 i get done
with classes at like 10 in the morning so i should be
home early that day and also i will go home the next
can you do me a favor and see if maria has picked up
my year book at school yet. and tell her to e-mail me
sometime i miss talking to her.
The bus is alright just something new to learn it
takes me about 30 mins from school to home which is
less then it would take me to bike since the route i
was going to take is considered unsafe.
I am thinking about going skydiving there is a club
on campus and i think that would be an awesome thing.
also ken and i might in the winter take a course at
the community center together.
You can either e-mail me here or at
students.wisc.edu i check both daily so it
doesn't really matter to me much either way.

I love you guys and i will see you soon


So what would I tell this girl from 9 years into the future. #1 that math class sucked and I had to take it a second time (math NOT my strong suit) #2 Engineering wasnt my path but I did enjoy those classes a lot. But more importantly, time flies, life never goes the way you expect it to, enjoy every second of the bumpy ride!

Love you guys!! Now I have to start building my kids time machines to show their future grown up self.


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